Up to 120MHz, best in class basic accuracy of 0.05%
Accurate high frequency measurements combined with an easy to use graphical interface and high resolution colour
A range of accessories which includes fixtures, leads, Kelvin clips and SMD tweezers.
The 3255BL, 3255B, 3255BQ and 3260B offering many transformer specific measurement functions.
Grounded Component Probe, The 1025 probe allows a 6500 to make ground referenced impedance measurements. In normal use the 6500 is unable to measure components which have one terminal directly referenced to ground, but the 1025 Probe is the solution to this restriction.
SMD 2 Terminal Bottom Contact Adaptor, The 1032 fixture makes a 2-terminal measurement to bottom contact surface mount devices and is suitable for medium and high impedance devices.
SMD 4 Terminal Bottom Contact Fixture, The 10324 fixture makes a 4-terminal measurement to bottom contact surface mount devices and is especially suitable for low impedance devices.
SMD probe leads with 1023, The 1905X is a 4-2 BNC converter plus lead with two sprung needle probes to access surface mounted devices on circuit boards and for interfacing to hybrid components and chip components on tape.